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 “You are the salt of the earth; [...] You are the light of the world." 

GOLDEN TEXT “You are the salt of the earth; [...] You are the light of the world." (Mt 5.13,14)

 PRACTICAL TRUTH The influence of Christians in society is inevitable. From the biblical point of view, the world cannot be indifferent to the true ones.


 Matthew 5.13-16

13 – You are the salt of the earth; and if the salt is tasteless, with what shall it be salted? It is good for nothing else but to throw itself out and be trampled on by men.

14 - You are the light of the world; a city built on a hill cannot be hidden;

15 - Nor does he light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and give light to all who are in the house.

16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.



In this lesson, we will emphasize the role of “salt and light” that the Christian should have in the world. It is not enough to call yourself a Christian, but to make a difference in the place where we live. Therefore, we will take two metaphors by which Jesus taught about the relevance of his disciples in the world: salt and light. As the latter illuminates the place of darkness, and the former tempers and preserves food, we are called to influence the present world.


1. Definition. In the Bible, the word “salt” appears as a white substance used as a seasoning, medicine and preservative. In Biblical Greek, there are at least four meanings for the word halas, a neuter noun for salt: 1) as a seasoning; 2) as a fertilizing substance for arable land; 3) as a substance that preserves food from spoilage; 4) as wisdom and grace in speech.

2. The importance of salt. We can say that salt has the function of giving flavor, because a food with the right amount of salt is tasty. This role symbolizes the moderate, balanced life, so it brings an idea of ​​the believer's good influence on the world. Another function of salt is to preserve food from spoilage. When there was no refrigeration technology, meat was preserved by rubbing it in salt and leaving it in brine. This function brings an idea of ​​opposition to the world, as Christians, like salt, are “rubbed” in a world in a process of moral and spiritual decay.

3. The Christian as salt. As Christians, we must influence a world that is in a state of spiritual rot. In this aspect, the Christian must express the moral and spiritual values ​​of the Gospel in his life, opposing the values ​​of the world. Let us not forget, therefore, our true identity in the relationship we have with this world, according to the words of our Lord: “you are the salt of the earth”.


1. Physical and metaphorical concept. Light comes from celestial bodies (self: stars; reflected: moon, planets, etc.) which brings clarity and, therefore, is capable of illuminating objects and making them visible. So the lamp emits light, the fire scatters the light. In short, light illuminates everything and therefore leaves no room for darkness. From a biblical point of view, light can be applied metaphorically to); to Jesus; The word of God; to the disciples of Christ.

 2. The Christian as light. In the words of Jesus there is no doubt. Note that He did not say, ye must be the light; but yes: you are the light. In the Kingdom of God, what is expected of the Christian is that he be and live as the light of this world. When referring to the believer as light, Jesus mentions the good works produced by each one of us. These works are characterized by acts of love and faith manifested in the life of the believer through a true witness before men. Therefore, the will of God is that our good works should shine as light and be seen by all men and they will glorify God.

 3. Light in places of darkness. When he said that a city built on a mountain cannot be hidden, Jesus was referring to the impossibility of hiding the brightness of the light. In the Kingdom of God, every believer is a light that shines in the world at all times. In this sense, the nature of those who went through the New Birth is to spread the “light of the world” through their own lives. Therefore, the believer must be in the place to which he was called, shining the light through the good work. However, it is necessary to pay attention to this biblical truth: the Christian cannot maintain his life as a light by his own strength, but through the Holy Spirit who strengthens him.



1. Being “salt”. Salt does not appear, as it acts in a hidden and silent way. This reference teaches us that, before publicly witnessing, it is necessary to renew the “inner man”. That is, before propagating a public message, it needs to be true within us. In this sense, our testimony will not be wavering. Thus, the salt could be out of the salt shaker, spreading all over the world.

2. Being “light”. As a light, the Christian must “shine” in the family, at school or university, at work and in the whole of society. Followers of Jesus cannot hide. They are called to walk in the light as God is in the light. Therefore, if our path is light, there can be no darkness. In that way there is no place for darkness, for the way of God is of light that reflects upon His Word.

 3. Christian influence. Paul said that we have treasure in earthen vessels. That treasure is the truth of the Gospel. We must carry it as a flag in a world that lies entirely in the Evil One. Thus, influencing society does not mean that the believer is eccentric or flaunts something. On the contrary! The posture of one who is salt and light is that of an ambassador of a homeland, whose references are long-suffering, meekness and moderation, as well as other virtues of the Fruit of the Spirit. Therefore, the way of living through a new life, and doing good works, will lead men to glorify God. Let us therefore listen to Paul's advice: "See carefully how you walk."



In this world dominated by the darkness of sin, only the influence of Christ's servants can bring about true changes. It is necessary for the divine light to shine from us so that everyone can see our good works and glorify the Father. But it must also be remembered that without a true witness the Gospel will not be taken seriously among men. However, if the Christian shows a truly transformed life, sincere and without artificiality, we will play our role of salt of the earth and light of the world.


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